
Fee TypeXCellMaticDescription

Staking Fee


Staking fees are paid directly to the protocol when staking assets. The fees are paid in the native token.

Deposit Fee


Deposit fees are paid to XCell for staking your assets. The fees are paid in the native token.

Reward Fee


The reward fee is the commission portion from staking rewards towards XCell's treasury. It doesn't include the 3rd party validator fees, ranging between 5-10%. Note: Through the app, the reported APY is calculated based on the latest xcMATIC price changes and includes rewards and validator fees.

Unstake Fee


Unstake fees are paid to XCell for unstaking your assets. The fees are paid in xcMATIC.

Flash Exit Fee (Polygon)

0.5% - 1%

The fees are returned back to the protocol thus increasing the exchange rate. A portion of the fees (see Reward Fee) will go towards the XCell treasury. On Polygon, the first 1000 MATIC every calendar month enjoy a reduced rate.

Last updated