How does staking work?

Staking allows the user to delegate their tokens towards validating Proof-of-Stake transactions while earning staking rewards. Unlike traditional staking, XCell Finance abstracts the process allowing you to stake without having to run validating nodes or without the need for staking expertise. Through a staking smart contract, you are able to stake your tokens and receive back liquid tokens that increase in value based on the staking rewards.

How does unstaking work?

Unstaking involves withdrawing tokens from a validator, and waiting for the unbonding period before they can be claimed. XCell gives you multiple possibilities to unstake your tokens at any time. XCell also brings you an instant withdrawal option, with Flash Exit you are able to unstake your tokens immediately. In addition, a big advantage of liquid staking is the flexibility of fully or partially getting your tokens back by trading your ksTokens anywhere in the DeFi ecosystem.

What is liquid staking?

When you stake with XCell, you receive back ksTokens in return. This ksToken is fully liquid and gives you new possibilities while still enjoying rewards from staking.

Who holds my assets?

When you stake through XCell, the protocol will delegate the token in the chain's stake manager contract, where it will accrue rewards. The stake is spread across different validating nodes, but the validators have no access to the tokens. Those assets are protected by both the chain's stake manager contract and XCell's XCellMain contract.

What is a xcToken?

ksTokens are standard ERC20 tokens that represent the claim to both the underlying token and the staking rewards. Thus, xcTokens continuously appreciate in value with respect to the underlying tokens.

What is the value of a xcToken?

A xcToken is worth more than the underlying tokens because its value includes all the accrued rewards overtime. Holding a ksToken like ksMATIC is like holding MATIC, but in addition it receives continuous staking rewards.

How frequently will I get rewards?

Rewards are constantly accrued. There is no need to claim rewards or to re-stake them. XCell protocol does it by default. Your ksToken increases in value as you sleep.

How often does the exchange rate change?

You can expect price changes 1-3 times a day.

How can I use my xcTokens?

Just owning xcTokens is already giving you passive income from the staking rewards. You can always trade your xcTokens. We will collaborate with other protocols to expand the use-cases for the xcTokens, such as using them as collateral on lending protocols.

What is Flash Exit?

Flash Exit is one of XCell’s unique features that allows you to instantly withdraw your staked tokens. With Flash Exit there are no unbonding periods. What's best, fees from Flash Exit will increase the yield for the ksToken holders!

What is the difference between Flash Exit and Standard Unstaking?

Flash Exit lets you instantly withdraw your tokens while in standard unstaking, you have to wait the "unbonding" period that can range from a few days to several months depending on the protocol. For Polygon's MATIC, the unbonding period ranges from 3-5 days.

Will I earn rewards during the unbonding period?

No. The moment you unstake, the xcToken is burned and your unstake claim starts the unbonding process.

What are the risks of liquid staking?

When you stake you are still exposed to the underlying assets. Relative to stable-coins, a xcToken is still a risky investment. Additionally, there are smart contract risks and some protocols carry a slashing risk.

Can I stake my MATIC on Ethereum?

Yes. Polygon's staking protocol is native to Ethereum.

Can I stake my MATIC on Polygon?

Yes. You can stake your MATIC both on Ethereum network and on Polygon mainnet network.

What is the APY when I stake MATIC?

For MATIC, the APY varies depending on the total staked MATIC vs the total supply and the number of checkpoints a validator validates. A user can expect an APY of 7-9% after fees.

What are the rewards of staking MATIC?

Polygon has allocated 12% of its total supply of 10 billion tokens to fund the staking rewards. These rewards are to be distributed over 5 years across participating validating nodes and delegators.

Is it safe to stake my MATIC on XCell?

Yes. XCell's protocol has been audited by ChainSecurity, deemed one of the top firms in the industry. ChainSecurity's audit finds no medium, high, nor critical vulnerabilities which attests to XCell's commitment to security. Audit Report

How long is the unbonding period for MATIC?

Depending on the network conditions, you can expect a period of 3-5 days. To track Polygon's checkpoints, see here.

Why is Flash Exit only available on Polygon?

Flash Exit is a new feature we wanted to test in a low-gas environment. It will come to Ethereum soon!

Why is standard unstaking not available on Polygon?

By design and to increase security, unstaking is done directly from the Polygon's stake manager contract on Ethereum. Enabling this feature in Polygon would require a transaction on Ethereum which would be very expensive in terms of gas.

What are the fees associated with XCellMatic?

See fees for XCellMatic.

Are there any limits on XCellMatic?

See limits for XCellMatic.

Last updated